The consumption of alcohol is firmly established in the life of the people, and already it is impossible to imagine without of holidays and fun. Every person should know how much you can drink, for it will not harm your health and do not suffer a hangover.

How to calculate the bespohmelnaya rate of alcohol
Paying homage to the tradition, people drink at the table and during leisure time, various alcoholic beverages. But everyone wants to avoid a morning hangover, preserve the health. With the regular consumption of alcohol increases the risk of alcohol dependence. Anyone can count relatively safe for the rate of alcohol. There is a special formula, where you can learn the dose of once a of alcohol, when they are guaranteed to be able to avoid a hangover: 1.5 ml of pure alcohol at 1 kg of body weight. Taking into account the fact that the vodka contains 40% alcohol, in terms of this kind of alcohol can you drink at a time, 3.75 ml per 1 kg of weight. If binge extended time for 4-5 hours, the dose of alcohol can increase 25%.
You need to make sure to take into account the age and sex. The older man, the more heavy the body to cope with the effects of the impact. Eligible for women are two times less than that for men. The presence of various additives, or aromas it strengthens alcohol syndrome, so, a side effect of these drinks is stronger than vodka pure. There are other conditions in which a hangover is not to avoid, even if you look at the rate of alcohol:
- the mixture of different alcoholic beverages;
- welcome cocktail, spirits and carbonated beverages;
- drink after a night without sleep;
- during the consumption of alcohol;
- the consumption of alcohol on an empty stomach or with fatty foods;
- the non-observance of the pause in 20-25 minutes, including brindisi.
The best way to avoid a hangover is moderation in drinking.
How much alcohol can you drink per day, without damage to the body
When you consume alcoholic beverages on the liver falls, a large load due to the toxicity of ethanol. But it is more sensitive to alcohol and the human brain, where it starts the irreversible destruction of the cells with a constant drinking alcohol. The neural network is not able to recover until the next alcohol. If you do not know how much you can drink vodka, and at what time interval, it is possible to cause irreparable damage to the health.
The alcohol damage and other organs of the human body, but they do load a little better to the brain, and pass the recovery is faster, if you respected the rule, and between drinking an adequate amount of time. The capacity limit of a healthy person treatment of alcohol 2.4 ml of pure alcohol at 1 kg of weight per day, and in terms of vodka – 6 ml. After the consumption of this standard should take 8 days break, for the body to recover and return to normal.
How much alcohol you can drink without risk are really tired.
The appearance of alcohol dependence does not always depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. Most are a genetic predisposition, and psychological factors. Also people, a lot of drinkers, when necessary, capable of long to go without a drink. But the regular intake of alcohol over time can cause addiction and cause a strong dependence. There is the term “critical dose” is the maximum dose for the man, that you can drink without risk down to 2-3 ° stage of alcoholism, when you lose control of consciousness and begin to drink with a hangover is heavy.
People unsuspected, that has an alcohol addiction, they need to know in which phase it is located. This is important in order not to give the disease to progress and at least stable to stand up to this level. So people should remember how much they need to drink vodka in order not to fall even lower, and, showing the strength of will to adhere to its rule, while they are still able to control themselves. The increase of volume of alcohol can lead to reckless and heavy singing. People who consume moderately and poised on the 1-2 stage of alcoholism, may drink 100-300 grams of vodka 1-4 times per month. This will cause a lot of damage to the body and will retain an additional winding to alcohol dependence, which can be done in a way imperceptible to the drinker.
Doses different types of alcohol
Any amount of alcohol is dangerous for health. It is necessary to pay attention also to the consumption of medicines, manufactured on the basis of alcohol, and abide by the rules of admission. Don't ignore the sex (men are more resistant to the attacks of ethanol) and forget about the problems of health and diseases. If there is no individual intolerance of certain types of alcohol in the first place, we must pay attention to the strength of the drink. For the same amount of alcohol of different content of ethyl variety will be all in the same way, influence the person.
Beverages, of which there are the aromas, and the various types of aromas, much more harmful to a good cognac or natural wines. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body every man has his rate of alcohol. There is no exact number, it indicates how much you can drink alcohol any man, but a rough rule is the following: we can Not allow the mixing of different types of alcohol, in the case of a violation of these rules, the harmful effect of alcohol increases a lot. Women are advised to drink the male half of the dose. But, and the minimum daily rate of consumption of alcohol can lead to alcoholism, and if drinking occurs on a regular basis.
Those who can not drink alcohol
There are categories of people where is contraindicated the use of any amount of vodka per day:
- person with 2-3 ° phase of alcohol dependence;
- epileptic;
- those who have suffered a bruise or a wound to the head;
- excitable, aggressive, conflict of personalities, that they lose all self-control after drinking.
People with a variety of illnesses should abstain from drinking alcohol, and in exceptional cases, to drink only with the permission of your doctor.
Is safe dose of alcohol: who and how many?
If the alcohol be useful?

Yes, if it is a heart attack, liver or renal colic. At the moment, when at hand there are no drugs, you can use brandy or vodka – 1 tablespoon of one of these drinks allow you to remove a spasm of the blood vessels and improve the condition of the patient before the arrival of "first aid". Help small doses of alcohol and the persons suffering from hypotension: 1-2 tablespoons of cognac can lead to feelings of a person with low blood pressure. Nobody puts in discussion and with the beneficial effect on the human body the red dry wines. The fact is that in the peel varieties of red grapes and grape seeds contain resveratrol a natural compound that has a powerful antioxidant effect. Acting in the human body with berries, or with preparations of their wine, this substance prevents the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer, delay the age-related changes of the brain and the musculoskeletal system. In addition, natural wines, they improve the digestion and leave cholesterol deposits on the walls of the blood vessels. Even if the World health organization prohibits doctors recommend it to patients as medicines of any type of alcoholic beverages. And all because useful the alcohol can be only in small doses, in large quantities it is addictive, and the development of alcoholism.
What dose of alcohol is considered safe?
According to the guidelines of the WHO itself, that men should consume no more than 40 grams of pure alcohol per day (about 2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine). And women — 30 g of pure alcohol (about 1.5 bottles of beer or 80 g of vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And provided that 2 days a week, the man will not take even a drop of alcohol.
When he started the dependency?
To admit dependence on alcohol, dare to drive. Most people would consider Malouda, but a person can drink a bottle of beer a day, but every day, and the other drink rarely, but hard. Those who have problems with alcohol? The world health organization knows the answer to this question. WHO experts distinguish four forms of alcohol consumption.
Sure form. This is when the person does not drink more than 210 ml (for men) or 135 ml (for women) of pure alcohol a week. On this day, the amount of alcohol should not exceed safe dose: 40ml (for men) and 30 ml of ethyl alcohol (for women).
Is a threat of the form. This is when the man exceeds a safe dose and does not follow the ways of sobriety. The doctors warn that, in this sense, alcohol man risks in the future to become addicted to alcohol and get a "bonus" one of the diseases the papal legate to the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages (liver cirrhosis, ulcer of the stomach, anemia, heart failure, etc).
Consumption with harmful effects. This is when a person drinks greedily (continuous drink more than 2 days), it feels an irresistible desire to drink. But the symptom that is most characteristic of this form of loss of control over the amount drunk. That is, a person has lost all sense of proportion, but why are more and more often drunk as a sponge. The third form of consumption of alcoholic beverages is not considered to be a dependency, but to her brain and internal organs drinker a person rather wear.
Alcoholism. This form of alcohol consumption characterized the resistant unwillingness of man to give up the booze, even in the name of the staggered health. At this point changes and the form of intoxication, for example, the first person drunk, became cheerful, and asleep, and now she has an aggressive form of behavior. With this dose of alcohol, drink for a day, it grows in a couple of times.
Moderate drinking is how much?
— I am not against, if the people 70-100 grams of vodka through out the day drink. But we are not able to 70-100 grams. If we all sit down, and you need to pour a liter of alcoholic beverages at one time. And the health does not add. Therefore, it is necessary to get used to the european parliament the option of wine consumption. This is useful if one or two glasses per day of wine you drink, but its quality " — said the head of state.
70 grams of vodka or a glass of wine after a day is much or little? The WHO believes that the human consumption of more than 8 litres of pure alcohol a year is a threat, not only for her health, but and leads to the degradation of society. 70 grams of vodka and 28 ml (22 g) pure alcohol. If the year of drinking in "the day", which will be released a little more than 5 litres of pure alcohol a year — that is, below the "red line" of the WHO. C a glass of wine a day (125 ml of wine, 15 ml (or 12 g) of pure alcohol) for the year in less than 3 liters of alcohol. But, as a general rule, in several countries the rates of alcohol consumption without any significant risk to health, are considered to be the week or the day and can be very different.
It is true that wine is safer than liquor?
A series of studies that demonstrate the link moderate alcohol consumption with a reduced risk of several diseases. For example, you may feel that a moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. But perhaps, for the heart, red wine is better than beer, white wine or spirits, — stress, in a clinic , one of the most large private medical and research centers in the world. — There is not yet a clear proof of the fact that red wine is much more useful than other types of alcohol, when it comes to the potential use for the heart. It is important to understand where the research, comparing the moderate drinkers who do not drink at all, you can re-evaluate the benefits of alcohol. The fact is that you do not drink already may be health problems for which they have stopped drinking. We need more research before we can say that the wine red for the heart better than other types of alcohol. And if, for example, the whole of the subject matter contained in wine, resveratrol, can be obtained from grapes or grape juice, not alcohol use, although this question, the science is still not studied enough.
The experts in the Centres for the control and prevention of diseases respond to the question: "is it True that drinking wine or beer safer than spirits?". No. A bottle of beer 0,33 l contains the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine is 150 ml or 50 ml of vodka. The amount of alcohol consumed — here's that affects the health more than the type of alcohol. In general, the latest recommendations you say: no one should begin drinking or drink often with thought about what is good for the health.
And what are the experts saying?
Use by preference of wine vodka is very questionable, — said Konstantin Minkevich, psychiatrist psychiatrist 1st category of qualification, the director and physician — be that As it may, the action of any alcoholic beverage is due to the presence in its composition of ethyl alcohol, and he is everywhere — and in wine and beer, and vodka. So it has a value, do not drink, and the amount and frequency of consumption. Currently, the World health organization adheres fairly broad view on alcohol consumption, as well as the research data indicate that it is completely safe doses of alcohol does not exist, not to speak of a kind of health benefits. Then the statement that "a glass or two of wine a day is useful," simply is not the truth. I would not like to fall into moralism and to call for drastic measures, but it is important to understand where that all, without exception, a man, drinking alcohol, potentially at risk of developing alcohol dependence. And one of the risk factors for the development of the disease is the regular use of "moderate" doses of weaker alcoholic beverages, such as wine or beer. The fact that a certain dose of alcohol is not spoken, and the head psychiatrist of the ministry of Health Ivan Chorzow: "We are talking about a minimum harmful doses, but it all depends on the individual".